Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pregnancy - Week 7

Dear Baby,
I am now 7 weeks pregnant with you. My moods are starting to change as I am now starting to feel the full throttle of the hormonal shift. It has been a little difficult. I find that my moods change really fast, and I can't really eat. I'm very nauseated. I am really tired these days. Some days its hard to even keep my eyes open.
After seeing your little heartbeat on the ultrasound last week, it really made you real to me. I actually saw it pulsating. That was the most amazing thing. Its strange to think that just a few months ago, after a routine visit with my doctor, my uterus was completely empty! God is truly amazing baby. Never forget that. I had lost so much hope in the process of trying to conceive you that I felt like my time with you would never come. But here it is! Everyday is a new adventure, carrying you inside me. I sometimes wonder what I'm going to feel next. You really really don't like sweet food, or foods that have too much flavor. I've learned to love very plain things like rice cakes, plain fruit, I LOVE apples, and bananas.
Nonna and Nonno saw your ultrasound picture, which sits nicely in a frame next to our bed. Their eyes softened up and they got so excited. Daddy's eyes smile when he see's your picture. My heart just fills with love baby. You have a way of doing that to me. I can be having a really bad day, or feel like crying (for no reason) and just thinking of you brings light to my heart.
I wonder what you will be! The wait is so hard! We have 11 more weeks until we can find out if you're a girl or a boy. I don't care. You'll be so sweet, you'll be ours.

I love you.

your mommy

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