Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, December 10, 2009


It could be nothing at all, but just in case I'm pregnant this month, I want to reflect on how I was feeling and when. I hear from many women that signs of early pregnancy are identical to a menstrual cycle. So who could be a total crap shoot, but I'm gonna do it anyway.

*Since I ran out of OPK's I didn't know when I was ovulating this month, I could've sworn it was happening for like 3 days, so who knows exactly when it was, but according to my schedule, which hasn't changed much, it should've happened at around day 14 in my cycle. So I'm gonna go with the day after just to be safe...

So the 14th day in my cycle this month was Sunday, December 5th. That would make today day 5 past ovulation..

4DPO- lightheaded. After I had a chance to sit down (just before I got up) not sure if I was moving too fast. Lots of stress on this day. (work related)

5DPO - nothing out of the ordinary. CM, and irritability, could be because I'm tired. I've been getting up a lot at night and not sleeping solidly, or just plain going to bed too late. I have had a minor break out but it could be from fluctuating hormones during my cycle. Today we had our team outing and gift exchange. It was fun, but I was more excited about eating a really good salad. I've been craving greens like mad these past few days. I've also had a sweet tooth from hell. But that's normal. I have a little sugar problem these days...

6DPO- Last night I had a few pains (in the uteran area) they seem to alternate sides, which isn't totally unusual for this time of the month. They're sort of mild stabbing cramps, more on the right side then on the left. Also, I've been eating like a horse. I think it's probably because of stress, I have a lot going on with work right now...I've also noticed that I've been getting about 8-9 hours of sleep every night this week. By the time I go to bed, I'm so tired. I haven't even worked out that much this week, maybe twice so far...

7DPO- Brief nausea after eating chocolate, breaking out, sore BB's, pretty emotional, (actually cried today for a really lame reason) noticing really oily skin and hair. Chest pains (forgot to mention these earlier, these have been going on since about 4DPO.

8DPO- really moody today. Nausea after eating a large salad. Noticed my temperature rising sometime after dinner, face got really hot. Super cranky today. BB's starting to get heavy and sore, much like PMS.

9DPO- still moody, tired, and cranky. Eating A LOT! Craving for red meat and chocolate is kicking in. (Normal for this time of the month) BB's super sore, tried to sleep on my tummy and nearly screamed and rolled back over on my back this morning. Having junkfood cravings from hell..Still a little grumpy but not as much as yesterday, could be from increased work stress and working the whole weekend, and right into yeah, no more heavy CM, just dryness.

10DPO - nothing too major. Had a crazy case of itchiness in the shower the night before. BB's are now just a dull ache and not sooo painful like they were before. Restless night of sleep.

11DPO - feeling better. Eating tons! Had a minor unteran ache on the right side for a few minutes. And after on the left side (briefly last night). Worked out last night, so I slept like a baby. Today have felt slight little flutters in that area, and mild cramping this morning, so I'm wondering if AF is on her way? I'm noticing that I'm eating a ton, and just not feeling full. Sugar craziness has been out of control, especially yesterday. I'm making a conscious effort to cut out sugar, just in case I am preggers. I think my calculations are off because my cycle is 26 days, so I should be at 13 or 14DPO right now..Maybe I ovulated earlier? We BD'd the whole week before so I think we've covered it all. Friend of mine had a dream about me the other night, saying that I got two double lines!! In her dream she was with me when I tested. I could now, I guess I'm just scared to get a BFN, so I'll just wait. Should be another day or two when AF is due...

12DPO- okay, I'm thinking I might need to test soon. Mild cramps last night, and felt fine otherwise. Acne has subsided a little. Tired as heck. But I think that might be from working a 12 hour day...Sugar cravings are still tough, but starting to subside a little. Starting to get a headache this morning, could be from looking at my computer screen for so many consecutive hours. BB's feel super heavy and not so sore anymore. More symptoms later if I can think of them..Oh yeah, thoughtlessness, I keep feeling like I forgot something, this feeling has been going on for two days..

13DPO - headache today, with some cramping. I don't know if that means that AF is on the way, but it kinda feels like it. A little hard to eat today feeling a little nauseated after having had my morning decaf. Woke up really hungry and then took the dog for a 40 min. walk. Trying to ignore the mild cramps that seem to come and go. Acne seems to have subsided and is a lot more mellow this month. Still craving a lot of salt. BB's look much bigger and the coloration even looks different, I could've sworn there weren't the same color last night. Maybe a twinge of purple? Call me crazy, maybe I've been looking at the monitor for too long. Strangely I picked up knitting last night, and watched a bunch of tutorials. Focus is excellent.

Update: it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, I IS a duck..AF came today. Boo!! I did shed some tears over this, because really that's all I wanted for Christmas this year. I keep hoping that it's just a tiny little flow and will suddenly disappear and Voila! I'll be preggers. But I know, I's just not time I guess.

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