Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pregnancy Update - Week 25 day 3

Hi my darling boy,
Yesterday we had quiet a scare. I went to the hospital to have you and I monitored. My ankle shouldn't be swelling only on one foot. Also I've been having a rib pain only on the right side for weeks. The doctor's were worried it was pre-eclampsia. Thank God it wasn't. You and I were releaed and checked out fine. I got to hear your heart for an hour. I managed to record it. I am not sure if it will work but I am going to try and post it here.
Son, yesterday showed me just how important you are to me. I prayed so hard for you, I didn't care what happened to me, as long as God took care of YOU. Your little life is so meaningful to me, I care about you so much it rips my heart to shreds just thinking that anything could go wrong during this pregnancy, especially because of me! You're doing fabulously and had a few little spikes in your heart rate yesterday but that's normal from what I understand.

I love you so much little boy. You have no idea.

Your mommy

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pregnancy - Week 25

Dear Baby boy,
Wow today we're 25 weeks pregnant! Only 15 more weeks to go! I can't believe it. This past week you've gotten considerably stronger. The other day you kicked me so hard it made me double over and catch my breathe. Daddy and I both got a little scared. I was worried I'd see your little foot sticking out or something! Now I can lay down and watch you play. Your movements are still very fast and jerky but sometimes, I can tell you're stretching out because it feels like a coordinated stretch. Its really very cute.

I'm running out of clothes that fit me anymore. I seem to be wearing the same things over and over again. But honestly I don't really want to buy too many more clothes because I will be losing weight after your born, and that extra money could be money I could spend on you instead! I've read that by now you should weigh about 1.5lbs, and should measure anywhere between 9.5-13.5" which is quite a bit longer than I expected, but it makes perfect sense because you have incredible reach. I can feel you at one side of me and at another side at the same time. Although you typically like to stay in one spot and play around there.

I'm still workig these days, and I'm horribly uncomfortable trying to sit in a chair for 8 hours. I will start working from home in about 10 weeks, which in my opinion can't come any sooner. If I try to lean forward in this chair you kick a litttle hard, if I lean back my bottom hurts, and you still kick, not hard but like you want me to move.

My feet and hands are SUPER swollen. Last week I had to take off my wedding rings. :( I was getting worried that they'd have to be cut off because my fingers have grown about 2.5 sizes. I've put on about 28lbs. to date, and most of my shoes don't fit me anymore without any discomfort.

I know it sounds like I'm this big complainer, but it all brings me back to you. Sweet little you. My son Sebastian. I relish in the thought of caring for you and holding you near me. I so look forward to the day when I can listen to you coo in your sleep and make those funny pursed lips like when babies remember that they're supposed to be sucking. I love you baby.

Your Mommy

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