Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pregnancy - Week 6

Dear Baby,
This week, I'm 6 weeks pregnant with you. Today is Tuesday, on Thursday, your Daddy and I will get to see you in an ultrasound! I think we might be able to see your heart beating. I can't wait baby! I'm so excited! This week, your facial features and bone structure are starting to form. You have little buds where your hands and feet will be, and a little dimples where your nose and eyes will be. I know you're going to be precious no matter what you look like. If you're a boy, I hope you look like your Daddy. He's very handsome baby, so is your brother. They are two of the most handsome guys I know. I have no doubt you will join ranks with them. If you're a girl, well, maybe I'm vain, but I kind of hope you look somewhat like me :) No matter who you take after, you will be beautiful. You already are, because just by carrying you means I carry a little piece of God inside me.
This week I've been experiencing morning sickness. I haven't actually thrown up, but your presence is definitely known to my body. I can't seem to digest food very easily. You seem to really like Italian food, and Japanese food. Which really doesn't surprise me. You seem to hate broccoli. Watermelon is a plus for both of us. So far, you really like fruit and really plain food. Which is fine with me, as long as you're getting enough nutrients from me.
I've been keeping busy with work, taking care of your Daddy, brother and dog, and keeping active. I love swimming, lifting weights, walking, and yoga. I have a distinct feeling you like them too, because my body feels really at peace when I do any of these things. Except work, it can be a little stressful sometimes. But for the most part, I love what I do, so I think that on that level I'm blessed. I'm an artist baby. I'm a designer and I think of all the wonderful things I'll design for you quite often. I've already started planning out your nursery. I just have to slow down because I don't want to spend too much too soon.
I think of you all the time baby. I am not sure if you can actually hear me, but pretty soon, I think I'll start playing music for you to listen to. Beautifully, peaceful music, that will make you feel good.

Love you.

Your mommy

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