Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pregnancy - Week 4

Dear Baby,
I'm your mommy. Its very nice to meet you. I can hardly believe I'm writing this. We've been trying to conceive you for about a year and a half. I was just a few days away from getting a surgery to help us get pregnant. I think you must've known that I secretly didn't want to be operated on, because you saved me! Your daddy and I found out that we were pregnant with you "officially" yesterday. We're so excited about you. Your appearance came at a very good time in our lives. Just last week, I lost one of my best friends and I was so sad. I wish you would've been able to meet her. Her name was Frances. Baby, she was funny, amazing a wonderful friend and very much like a sister to me. Had she been alive she would've been one of your "aunties."

But you came at just the right time, just when God decided you needed to be here with us. You're a blessing to us baby, such a little gift in our lives, that I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am to be your mommy. I'm at work right now, so I can't say a lot, because I might start crying.

At this very moment in time, you have a 14 year old big brother, a boxer named Buster, a mommy who's 34 and a daddy who's 40. This doesn't even include the aunties, uncles, and many many cousins (all over the world) that are aching to meet you. Your big brother doesn't know about you yet. We're going to surprise him soon with the news. We're going to make him a t-shirt and take him out to dinner. He's been asking about you for years. I think this will make him happy. He's just finishing up his first year in high school. Baby you're going to love him. He's an amazing boy, he's going to love you too, I'm sure of it.

These past few days have been so exciting, I can't stop talking about you and I keep wondering if you're a girl or a boy. It really doesn't matter, because we'll love you unconditionally no matter what your sex is. The mention of you alone has made many people cry. The first thing your daddy and I did after we found out about you, was hug, cry, laugh, and then we kneeled down and prayed for you.

Thank you baby, for making me so happy.

Love you,

Your mommy.

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