Wow the weeks are really speeding by. I can't believe we're more than 2/3 of the way through! I've been trying to clear out your nursery, wow baby you've got a lot of things now! We've been fortunate enough to receive hand-me-downs from 4 different babies! You're a very lucky little fellow. I have a big hamper of clothes sitting right next to me that needs to be folded and put away. As I fold your little things, I just marvel at that fact that sometime soon you will be wearing them!
My baby shower is approaching soon. I have about 8 or 9 people helping me out with this! My friends have been amazing throughout this pregnancy. My one friend Emma has been particularly sweet. She is really excited to meet you.
Today I was cleaning out your closet and trying to put something away into my own closet (a big plastic bin of drawers filled with my art supplies) and oh my goodness two of the drawers flew out and bonked me on the head! I even tried to duck to get out of the way and still I was nailed..Now I'm just nursing a headache. But thankfully nothing came near you. I need to be more careful. I seem to think I can tackle more than I can these days. With your due date quickly approaching, I feel like I'm running out of time!
I've been keeping track of your kicks lately. You're a very active little funny bunny. At night sometimes you'll give me about 10 kicks in about 9 or 10 minutes! Other times you keep me in suspense and wait around for about 30-40 minutes before doing anything. I've heard that at this point in your development this is normal. So I'm not too stressed about it. If you don't do anything at all, then I get worried.
Daddy and I decided to remodel the kitchen. I'm sure it will look so amazingly beautiful! I think we'll probably get started on it in October. That's my only requirement is that we get it all done before you arrive. I don't want you to have to try and sleep through construction and strange people coming in and out of our house. I want everything to be perfect by the time you get here. Plus that will give Daddy and I some much needed rest. I'm sure you'll have a very whacky sleeping schedule for a bit, so it's very possible we will be really sleep deprived. That is not a good time for any other stresses.
Daddy gets really excited when he feels you kicking. I think you two seem to have this unspoken understanding or something. Or maybe you just know who is daddy and who is mommy. I think you already know who I am because of my voice. I've been singing to you lately. Sometimes on our walks in the morning. We've been going on walks at about 7am for the past week and a half. You seem to do well on them, except for today, I must've pushed us too hard because I was in pain when I got home from my walk. That's why I'm working from home today. To just try and take it easy. I guess I'm not doing a very good job of relaxing. I just feel like there is so much to be done still and I'm barely there yet.
I need to run my baby boy. Below you will find a picture of us taken this morning. I think you're going to be a pretty big boy by the looks of my growing tummy.
I love you,
Your mommy