Dear baby,
Yesterday we got to hear your heartbeat and see you in an ultrasound. It was the most amazing thing ever. You're so tiny! But the sack your in is nice and big, I think you're comfy. Your little heart was beating 122 beats / minute. Baby you sounded like a little hummingbird. I was so nervous about going to this doctor's appointment. I was scared they were going to say "what baby? you're not pregnant!" I didn't even get a chance to cry, I was more worried about you than anything. I think my blood pressure sky-rocketed because my face felt so hot. Your daddy was there with me. He's been sick lately so he wasn't feeling well. He was happy to see you too. Every time we look at your ultrasound picture we smile. It's hard not to smile when we think of you.
This morning baby, I think I had a vision of you. I don't know if you're a boy or a girl yet, but in my vision you were a cute little girl with almond shaped green eyes, wavy brown hair, and light skin like mine. You were maybe about 2 years old. You were just smiling at me. It's the first vision I've had since I've been pregnant with you. I'm not sure if God has decided what your sex will be, but it was an amazing experience regardless.
You've been on my mind all night baby. Yesterday, after our ultrasound, I had my blood sugars tested, and they seemed fine. Later that night I went swimming for an hour. I love swimming because its so peaceful and beautiful. Blue is my favorite color and seeing all of it with such tranquility is a treat for me. I was just talking to a friend of mine the other day, and she was saying how all of our senses are so heightened when we're pregnant, and it's true! Baby, I could literally smell the dried grass along the side of the freeway the other day while I was driving in my car. I have superman senses right now. I love it. Colors look so much more vibrant than I remember them. I wonder if its because this is how you'll see the world pretty soon. I don't know.
I love you baby.
your mommy.
Anybody still out there?
1 year ago