Dear Baby,
Today, I'm 11 weeks pregnant with you. I can't believe how fast this time is flying by! I got to see you in my ultrasound today. I went to the doctor's unexpectedly because I developed a rash yesterday on my tummy. So today it wasn't planned. But I got to see you and baby you're sooooo cute. Your head is rather large and your tummy sticks out. It's so cute. It looks like you were resting in a little hammock.
Seeing scans of you makes this whole thing so real to me, in a way that I cannot explain. It's like our little window to you, because other than my few symptoms and a bump its like I'm just me. But I'm not, I'm an extraordinary me right now, I'm me with you!
Today, daddy and I have finally announced you to the world. Well to the internet at least and all of our friends and family on Facebook. Baby your so cute, I can't take my eyes off of you, even in this blurry ultrasound. I can see how easily children become their parents' world. I just hope I can remember to include other people when you are born. I am fairly convinced that I will be nothing short of obsessed with you for your whole life.
Thank you baby, for making my world such a beautiful place. Thank you for coming to us at the time that you did. God's timing was perfect!
Love you,
Your mommy